Corner Octocon 2001 Octocon Rocket

Guest of Honour

Anne McCaffrey


Guest of Honour

Anne McCaffrey

Our Guest of Honour this year is the great Anne McCaffrey, author of such wonderful series as the Dragonriders of Pern, the Pegasus series, and the Crystal Singer novels. Her books are populated with strange worlds, spaceships and fire-breathing dragons in an unusual mix of science fiction and fantasy, revealing a romantic tendency and an obvious fondness for music. She has also written an impressive number of short stories, many of them set in the same worlds as her novels. Anne has been a guest at Octocon many times in the past, and as such, will be a familiar face to many of you. We are delighted to invite her back as guest of honour.

More complete information will appear here shortly. In the meantime, please follow the link below to the official Anne McCaffrey website.

Ruth Cassidy


Click here to read about our other guests.