Corner The Octocon Masquerade Octocon Rocket



Saturday Programme
Time Red Blue Workshop (Ballroom)
10:00   Opening Ceremony
(followed by 30 second rant)
11:00 What's a fanzine Joy of DragonsDivination workshop
12:00 Conning your way into publishing Beyond men in tights: Comics without superheros
13:00 Is this the way the world ends? - The next apocalypse A history of science fiction in Ireland  
14:00 Guest of Honour Interview  
15:00 Getting it wrong Science Goofs in Science Fiction Alternative Irelands Create a comic bok character
16:00 Radio play set up Body Modification and Genetic Engineering
17:00 My favourite Gollancz Yellow covers  
18:00 Masquerade/disco preparation
19:00 Radio play
21:00   Masquerade/Disco


Sunday Programme
Time Red Blue  
10:00 Reverend Jim's Irreverent Morning Service Fan fiction
11:00 Growing up with us:
Children's books we still love as adults
What makes a good cult TV show
12:00 Harry Harrison @ 50 We're only in it for the money
13:00 Dramatic Licence or mucking it up: Movies based on books Beyond Humanity? Will Standard Human Beings Exist in the Future?
14:00 How to write for radio Michael Carroll's Secret Panel
15:00 Alternative History Challenge Battling Robots
16:00 Where do you get your ideas from and other stupid fan questions
17:00 Why I hate comics writers Who wants to be a chocoholic
18:00   Closing Ceremony